The Regina Food Bank is seeking candidates to join the Board of Directors with specialized skills and experiences that will benefit the governance of the Regina Food Bank as we work to achieve our strategic plan.
Specifically, we are seeking candidates with experience in, but not limited to the following:
Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Property Management
Business/Executive Leadership in High Growth Environment
Board Structure: 8 - 15 directors serve a maximum of a six-year term. A rotation of terms of office is in place to provide for board continuity and for renewal, whereby each year two or more vacancies are created by departing directors who have concluded their term of office. There is no specific allocation of positions based on geographic or any other type of constituency representation. The Food Bank seeks to ensure that its Board membership is representative of the diversity of its community and clientele.
The Regina Food Bank is committed to employment equity and accessibility for persons with disabilities, we encourage applications from members of equity-seeking communities including women, racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions, and persons with lived experience with food insecurity.
Eligibility: Directors must meet the Board of Directors Competency requirements and be a member in good standing of the Regina Food Bank – which means making a personal financial contribution to the Food Bank annually. Directors are expected to have served on other boards of directors and possess desired attributes or experience in order to advance the work of the board. Must be a Canadian citizen.
Nomination process: The Regina Food Bank board actively recruits potential future board members throughout the year. In April and May, expressions of interest are evaluated and a slate of nominees are recommended to the members at the annual general meeting held in June. The number of candidates nominated by the board equal the number of vacancies. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the AGM.
Board Governance: The basic model of governance used by the Regina Food Bank is the "Traditional Model" where the board focuses on policy development and strategic direction and oversight. Day-to- day operations are the responsibility of the CEO. Committees may be used to do the work of the board with the full board involved for decisions on issues.
Board Meetings: There are 8 regular full board meetings each year. Board meetings run approximately 2 to 3 hours. Additional strategic planning and orientation/education sessions are scheduled outside of the regular meeting schedule. Board committees will develop additional annual meeting schedule based on workplans.
Each director is expected to serve on a minimum of one committee. Each committee determines its own schedule and work plan at its first meeting. There are currently four committees: Governance; Audit and Finance; Human Resources; and Property Management.
For meetings of the board, video and teleconferencing are available from any laptop/ computer/smartphone or phone. The board uses a secure website to distribute documents and information. Board members are expected to maintain a 60% attendance record for meetings.
Remuneration: Board of Directors volunteer their time to board meetings, functions and committees.
If you are interested, please send completed nominations to asoby@reginafoodbank.ca by 5 pm, May 24, 2024
Proficiency in understanding and interpreting legal documents, regulations, and compliance requirements relevant to the non-profit sector.
Familiarity with governance principles, including fiduciary duties, ethical standards, and best practices for board operations.
Ability to identify legal risks and provide guidance on risk mitigation strategies to protect the RFB's interests.
Capacity to provide legal advice and perspective to support the RFB's strategic planning and decision-making processes.
Senior management experience and expertise in strategies and operations, administrative and financial policies within procurement or supply chain fields.
Ability to advise and approve RFB policies and practices pertaining to sustainability objectives and the management of risks in the areas of supply chain, procurement, nutrition, and health.
Expertise on development and compliance with policies and practices relating to sustainability and quality management of food related products and distribution.
Ability to review and advise the Board periodically on the RFB’s ability to respond to supply chain issue and procurement issues.
Ability to monitor and advise the Board of emerging trends in local property markets.
Ability to advise and approve RFB property management practices.
Expertise and proven experience in providing oversight, guidance, and strategic direction in deferred maintenance management strategies.
Experience owning or managing a business in a high growth environment, orienting organizations to take advantage of the gifts and minimize the downsides of high growth.
Knowledge of business operations and management in a high growth environment.
Demonstrates business acumen while providing strategic oversight from a business management and/or executive leadership perspective.
Additional information
For any enquiries, please contact us at 306-791-6533 or email asoby@reginafoodbank.ca